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Definition of "bloviated" [bloviated]

  • Simple past tense and past participle of bloviate. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "bloviated" in a sentence
  • "Recently it’s far less so, but it’s kind of bloviated – kind of lofty, I guess."
  • "Although the plot for the cinematic version has been notably streamlined and occasionally reworked in substantial fashion from the bloviated novel, viewers are, by the end, possessors of this little nugget of truth: Dan Brown is just as bad at plotting as he is at writing, and his inability to create characters who are believable is equaled only by his inability to accurately represent the history, art, architecture, and technology found strewn throughout novel/movie."
  • "As the Becksturbator bloviated to CPAC, Progressivism is a disease."
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