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Definition of "bloodwort" []

  • The plant bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis. (noun)
  • Rumex sanguineus, the bloody-veined dock. (noun)
  • Any of the Haemodoraceae, a family of flowering plants some of whose roots contain a red dye. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "bloodwort" in a sentence
  • "In one are seven towels, in another seven sponges: when the choir sings the Benedictus of Lauds, small brushes of box or yew but generally of bloodwort, arranged in the form of a diadem, are distributed to the canons."
  • "I thought it very unlikely, for instance, that bloodwort would be effective in making warts grow on a rival's nose, and I strongly doubted whether wood betony was useful in transforming toads into pigeons."
  • "One of the meadows I crossed was almost sheeted with the exquisite little blue-white china-looking blossoms of the Euphrasia, eyebright; tufts of violets were in bloom along the roadside, and the woods are full of bloodwort, wild anemones, speedwell, and a diminutive bright yellow star, which belongs to a species of wild strawberry here."
Words like "bloodwort"