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Definition of "biosemiotics" []

  • A growing field that studies the production, action and interpretation of signs in the biological realm. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "biosemiotics" in a sentence
  • "Calculating the amount of information necessary to have self-repairing objects is currently beyond our abilities, but systems biology, epigenetics, and biosemiotics is breaching that ground."
  • "This was conceptualized from both phenomenology, developmental systems theory (or autopoiesis, as Rose termed it), and biosemiotics - all in one way or the other emphasizing the brain as embodied (or the body as 'embrained', as someone smartly put it), and emphasizing the body's embeddedness in the world (emworlded)."
  • "A team at Charles University in Prague is exploring biosemiotics, a rich analytic approach that adds a new facet to the otherwise mechanistic traditions of the biological sciences."