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Definition of "biogeographically" []

  • In a biogeographic manner (adverb)
  • With regard to biogeography (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "biogeographically" in a sentence
  • "The Eastern Afromontane Hotspot encompasses several widely scattered, but biogeographically similar mountain ranges in eastern Africa, from Saudi Arabia and Yemen in the north to Zimbabwe in the south."
  • "Canaima National Park exhibits a spectacular geomorphology with many waterfalls and great richness of endemic flora and fauna: the species found on the summits of the tepuis constitute the biogeographically unique pantepui association."
  • "Socotra is often considered to be part of the Middle East and not Africa because it is administered by Yemen, but geographically and biogeographically it is a continuation of the Horn of Africa."
Words like "biogeographically"