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Definition of "beneficially" [ben•e•fi•cial•ly]

  • In a beneficial manner (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "beneficially" in a sentence
  • "We have to remember, of course, that the hours of English taught in state primary and secondary schools are often supplemented (though how beneficially is up for question) by many hours at private language ‘schools’."
  • "Biological systems consistantly coming up with what is "necessary" for surival (and this may encompass anything from curtailing its populations to increasing them) has no relation to the idea of beneficially fortuitous mutations."
  • "Sir, stop whining and complaining about the cost of the healthcare, first and foremost explain to the American people the cost of the two wars and who are the beneficially of the same!"