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Definition of "beebalm" []

  • A perennial herb (Monarda fistulosa) of North America. (noun)
  • A perennial aromatic herb of eastern North America (Monarda didyma) having variously colored tubular flowers in dense showy heads. (noun)
  • A bushy perennial Old World mint, Melissa officinalis, having small white or yellowish flowers and fragrant lemon-flavored leaves; a garden escapee in northern Europe and North America. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "beebalm" in a sentence
  • "In fact, there are scores of beautiful choices in my part of the country, many of which I grow: native viburnums, redbuds and dogwoods with their spring blooms; Annabelle hydrangeas with their white puff-ball flowers; winterberries, which produce bright red or orange berries in the fall; tall garden phlox; beebalm and echinacea, to name just a few."
  • "If you do a little research for your area and climate, you can find plants like beebalm that attract bees."
  • "Today's English gardens, from the small suburban yards to large parklands, are crowded with the descendants of the plants that Mr. Bartram dispatched, ranging from vibrant flowers such as echinacea, phlox and scarlet beebalm to majestic tulip poplars, magnolias and southern catalpas."