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Definition of "bear down on" []

  • To approach someone in a very determined way. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "bear down on" in a sentence
  • "Forming a right angle with the ice, the rock wall on my left allowed me to make stemming maneuvers; using counterpressure, I could more confidently bear down on the crampon points of my right foot, where they were embedded in the ice."
  • ""Truly" -- said the King "you shall never persuade me leave my followers in the hands of Saracens, without at least doing all in my power deliver them; and I order you put about, and let us bear down on them.""
  • "Lendle's small mouth fell open and he found himself at an uncustomary loss for words as he watched the wall of water bear down on the ship."