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Definition of "beached" []

  • Having a beach. (adjective)
  • Simple past tense and past participle of beach. (verb)
  • Run or brought ashore (adjective)
  • Stranded and helpless, especially on a beach (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "beached" in a sentence
  • "When Duquesne Light and Power "beached" one of Admiral Hyman Rickover's 70-MW submarine reactors at Shippingport, Pennsylvania, in 1957, it became the nation's first commercial plant."
  • "He is crouching over as if he were inspecting some kind of beached specimen, his hair like a tuft of grass atop a windswept rock."
  • ""We were not very far from shore, so people were beached or stranded on some local islands.""