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Definition of "baiji" []

  • A freshwater dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer), also known as the Yangtze River Dolphin, only found in the Yangtze River. Recently declared functionally extinct. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "baiji" in a sentence
  • "Consider the case of the Yangtze River dolphin, a long-beaked, nearly blind cetacean also known as the baiji, that inhabited about 1,000 linear miles of a single river in southeast China."
  • "He sighed: Over the past twenty years the baiji has been the victim of politics and scientific disputes."
  • "The baiji was a playful animal that dined on the Yangtze's once plentiful fish and was traditionally venerated by the region's people."
Words like "baiji"
Yangtze dolphin