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Definition of "aspectual" [aspectual]

  • Of or pertaining to an aspect. (adjective)
  • Of or pertaining to grammatical aspect. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "aspectual" in a sentence
  • "In other words, rather than reconstructing a separate voice, we might simply place the middle in a different aspectual category under the subjective distinct from the *r-less "proto-perfect" and further treat it as the marked "presentive" form of the subjective."
  • "So let's remodel the above into a new, purely aspectual system which might better account for everything, including Anatolian this time:"
  • "Later, as the system settled into a new tensual contrast, any aspectual distinctions between the mi-class and hi-class dissolved since the only thing that mattered now, grammatically speaking, was past and present-future (ie. when an action occurred), not the aspect (ie. how an action occurred)."
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