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Definition of "archiepiscopate" [ar•chi•e•pis•co•pate]

  • An archbishopric (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "archiepiscopate" in a sentence
  • "It was the Archbishop of Canterbury's misfortune to have the issue of gay clergy - the nomination of Jeffrey John as Bishop of Reading - 'come up' at the very start of his archiepiscopate."
  • "V of Wied in the reorganization and and adjustment of the ecclesiastical and civil law in the electoral province, and was the first to determine the jurisdiction of the archiepiscopate"
  • "His anniversary was kept at Canterbury on 10 November, but there is uncertainty as to the year of his death, though 627, the commonly received date, would appear to be correct, especially as it fits in with the period of three years usually assigned by the chroniclers to his archiepiscopate."
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