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Definition of "aptly" []

  • In an apt or suitable manner; fitly; properly; pertinently; appropriately; readily. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "aptly" in a sentence
  • "Erica may have been referring to a different kind of flying, but the title aptly describes my family's attitude toward hurtling through the air in a sardine can at 500 MPH."
  • "It is difficult to explain the Germans 'transition to becoming white southerners without situating the case study within a few historiographical trajectories, mainly urban slavery; pre-industrial economic history; Reconstruction social and political history; and, of course, mid-nineteenth-century immigration history. 3 As the title aptly suggests, this essay is interested in the ways Germans became white southerners. 4 They never stopped being German, but they increasingly identified themselves as white southerners."
  • "Drumming up support for his latest release, Seven Degrees North (Blue Moon/Mesa), the label aptly dubbed his summer excursion "The Chairman's Diplomatic Tour of a New America.""