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Definition of "antimuon" []

  • The antiparticle corresponding to a muon. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "antimuon" in a sentence
  • "But these were expected to decay very rapidly and the observed electrons and muons were therefore interpreted as products of decay from reactions: tau - electron (or muon) + neutrinos antitau - antimuon (or positron) + neutrinos"
  • "The first indication of a possible new phenomenon was that the research team observed 24 events of the type electron + positron - electron + antimuon + i.p. or electron + positron - positron + muon + i.p. where i.p. stands for invisible particles; those that left no trace in the detector."
  • "The actual detection was thus only that of an electron (positron) and an antimuon (muon), i.e., two different leptons with opposite charges, which apparently violates the law of lepton number conservation."