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Definition of "analogously" []

  • In an analogous manner; in a manner which evokes analogy. (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "analogously" in a sentence
  • "We may call this limit of the irreducible termination of vision — this radical discontinuity of allegory — materiality, a term analogously deployed by de Man throughout (whether one speak of the body, language, or history) and shunned by Blake."
  • "Names which are derived from creatures may therefore be applied to God analogously, that is, proportionately, or we may say relatively, in the manner which the passages appended to Q. 3 should be sufficient to explain (cf.S. Contra Gentiles I, ch."
  • "All of this leads to what can only be explained as each generation's artistic prerogative for poetically turning over its own variation on the truism that every representation of death reduces analogously, symbolically, finally, to the death of the self."