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Definition of "adscript" []

  • A feudal serf or labourer who is attached to an estate and sold or transferred with it. (noun)
  • Something written or printed immediately after another character and aligned with it. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "adscript" in a sentence
  • "You've got to write the adscript in solid English -- especially when you're talking about deception and tearing quotes out of context."
  • "The soul of man has never yet in any land been willingly adscript to the glebe."
  • "Villeins, semi-entitled to half a bearskin of winter nights, seven yards from the fire, and adscript serfs, holding the reversion of a scraped marrow-bone under heriot (Aren't those beautiful words, Best Beloved?)."
Words like "adscript"