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Definition of "addle-pate" [addle-pate]

  • A stupid person. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "addle-pate" in a sentence
  • "They ordered me on, and I couldn't turn for a street car coming, so I called to one of them that the girl we wanted was down the street, and he looked at me like an addle-pate and said, ` What girl?"
  • "They ordered me on, and I couldn't turn for a street car coming, so I called to one of them that the girl we wanted was down the street, and he looked at me like an addle-pate and said, 'What girl?"
  • "I wouldn't mind going on a voyage with the madam and the young ones, but not with such an addle-pate as the near-sighted."
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