An abbreviation of according and according to; of accusative.
The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)
Use "acc" in a sentence
"* % day% - Day of the week (Monday - Sunday) * % date% - Current Date (mm/dd/yy) * % time% - Current Time (h: mm: ss AM/PM) * % acc% - Tweeting account (good for @'ing yourself, ie: "follow me - @%acc%") * % fact% - Grabs a random fact from the web"
"Some idee iv th 'acc'racy iv th' fire can be gained fr'm th 'detailed scoor, as follows: Lyddite, three hearts, wan lung, wan kidney, five brains."
"In him th 'counthry loses a valu'ble an' acc'rate citizen, th 'state a lile an' rapid firin 'son, an' society a leadin 'figure, his meat-market an' grocery bein 'wan iv th' largest outside iv Minerva."