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Definition of "abstemiously" []

  • In an abstemious manner; temperately; with a sparing use of meat or drink.

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "abstemiously" in a sentence
  • "As wage slaves, toiling early and late, and living abstemiously, we could not save in threescore years — nor in twenty times threescore years — a sum of money sufficient successfully to cope with the great aggregations of massed capital which now exist."
  • "Life and the joy of life romped through her blood, abstemiously filling out and rounding off each shapely muscle and soft curve."
  • "In a 2002 interview in Britain's Guardian with one of bin Laden's wives in Afghanistan, identified only as "AS," she revealed that in the late 1990s he had lived abstemiously, eating bread, yogurt, honey and dates but rarely meat."
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