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Definition of "absolutists" []

  • Plural form of absolutist. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "absolutists" in a sentence
  • "American absolutists 'two biggest mistakes: Communist China & Islamistan yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' American absolutists\ 'two biggest mistakes: Communist China & Islamistan'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: In the late 1940s, "Old China Hands" tried to warn the American absolutists in Washington that they were following blinkered policies guaranteed to lose China to the communists."
  • "But I suspect that the usual forces that keep sensible things from being done on Capital Hill, namely the absolutists on one side and the repealers on the other, will keep the law from being modified."
  • ""And that it has sometimes been the cranks, the zealots, the prophets, the agitators and the unreasonable -- in other words the absolutists -- that have fought for a new order.""