To draw or conduct away; to withdraw; to draw to a different part.(verb-transitive)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "abduce" in a sentence
""Adam can then abduce hypotheses, and infer what would be efficient experiments to discriminate between different hypotheses, and whether there's evidence for them," King expands."
"“ego ius iurandum verbis conceptis dedi, daturum id me hodie mulieri ante vesperum, prius quam a me abiret. nunc, pater, ne perierem 1030 cura atque abduce me hinc ab hac quantum potest, quam propter tantum damni feci et flagiti. cave tibi ducenti nummi dividiae fuant; sescenta tanta reddam, si vivo, tibi. vale atque haec cura.” quid nunc censes, Chrysale?"