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Definition of "abandoner" [a•ban•don•er]

  • One who abandons. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "abandoner" in a sentence
  • "As far as I can tell in the first case the abandoner was a man and the second it was a woman and women have emotions that effect their judgment and culpability."
  • "Mr. Tomlinson has already been smeared as unemployed, a drunkard, homeless and abandoner of his family."
  • "Not a war resister, not a draft dodger as thousands before him who sought refuge in Canada from conscription during the Vietnam era, but a bolter, an abandoner of fellow soldiers – those who went, avidly or reluctantly, hawkish or dreading combat to the bone."
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