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Definition of "traduced" [traduced]

  • Simple past tense and past participle of traduce. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "traduced" in a sentence
  • "That of the Mohammedans, who make him an eminent angel, and sometimes say it is Gabriel; which, being traduced from the Macedonians of old, hath found some defenders and promoters in our days."
  • "To have my name traduced in public; in inns, among the meanest vulgar! to have any little favours, that my unguarded heart may have too lightly betrayed me to grant, boasted of there! nay, even to hear that you had been forced to fly from my love!”"
  • "The Spain full-back is unimpressed at having his good name traduced in this manner."