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Definition of "mechanist" [mech•an•ist]

  • Philosophy One who believes in the doctrine of mechanism. (noun)

American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright (c) 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Use "mechanist" in a sentence
  • "Either way, my own amateur suspicion is that something closer to a Russelian monistic view of nature and mind is going to become more popular, while the mechanist/materialist view is going to be quietly brushed aside."
  • "Kiram Kir-Zaki may be considered a mechanist prodigy among his own people, but when he becomes the first Haldiim ever admitted to the prestigious Sagrada Academy, he is thrown into a world where power, superstition and swordplay outweigh even the most scholarly of achievements."
  • "In a recent study undertaken in the US by Katy Santiago, a bio mechanist who founded the Restorative Exercise Institute™, participants took part in the 10,000 steps walking programme; which states that people should aim to record ten thousand steps roughly 4 miles of walking in some form each day."