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Definition of "exacerbation" [ex•ac•er•ba•tion]

  • An increase in the severity of something (such as a disease) (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "exacerbation" in a sentence
  • "A significant worsening of symptoms - called an exacerbation - can last several weeks and often requires substantial medical intervention, including hospitalization."
  • "A significant worsening of symptoms called an exacerbation can last several weeks and often requires substantial medical intervention, including hospitalization."
  • "I believe that few Canadians, other than old pols who have done nicely under the undemocratic FPTP, and their political and media hangers-on, truly prefer minority rule and wasted votes and hyper-partisanship and the exacerbation of regional differences, all of which are fostered by the current system."