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Definition of "dawn on" [dawn on]

  • To occur to somebody; to be realized (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "dawn on" in a sentence
  • "What comes out of my mouth is driven by anger: at my righteous mother, who refuses to look out the window and see there is no bright dawn on the horizon; at my black-hearted country that inspired her, forged her into steel, and deceived her."
  • "Golden Grove sailed at dawn on the 2nd of October, 1788, in company with Sirius until the two ships shook free of the Heads; then Golden Grove tacked to find a wind to bear her northeast while Sirius took advantage of the south-flowing coastal current and headed away to find her eastings for Cape Horn, 4,000 miles to the east."
  • "At dawn on September 8, as Garnet Wolseley edged toward Tel el-Kebir, the garrison at El Obeid squinted into the rising sun and saw the glitter of thousands of spearheads pouring toward their eastern flank."