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Definition of "corporality" [cor•po•ral•i•ty]

  • The state of being or having a body; bodily existence; corporeality. (noun)
  • A confraternity; a guild. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "corporality" in a sentence
  • "When we want blood, we provide our own, and let us take this opportunity to remark upon the fact that our weapons are far more elegant and effective than those provided by the author ofMacbeth, ours being so gracefully integrated into our own corporality."
  • "Although obsessed with illness, she was peculiarly silent about its corporality, about the vulgarity of dying."
  • "Elspeth lay in bed exulting in the smooth feel of the sheets, the smell of Robert on her pillow mingled with the scents of candles and roses, the twittering of little birds and the sheer corporality of herself."