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Definition of "earthside" []

  • On the planet Earth (adjective)
  • When on the planet Earth (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "earthside" in a sentence
  • "But I still think it remains a fair question: Would the not-unsubstantial investment in an MSR mission designed to ferry a cache of tiny surface scratchings to earthside labs be all that more efficient/cost-effective than sending along a team of trained geologists to manage the collection with a robust on-site laboratory available for immediate assessment of specimen value?"
  • "While I have reservations regarding the current Constellation architecture AND suspect that the Augustine independent review is merely a first step in implementing a retreat from the VSE's exploration aspirations, Mr. Wingo's fundamental points remain valid: the solar system offers enormous potential to solve many earthside problems, but we can't tap into that potential without a serious commitment to move toward long-term, robust industry in space."
  • "What no science fiction writer anticipated was the rise of a 'Back-to-Nature' neo-Luddite mood in the Western populace, which dismissed space travel as an expensive luxury, not to be indulged while poverty and social problems remained unsolved back earthside."
Words like "earthside"
earthed earthier