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Definition of "wagonful" [wag•on•ful]

  • The amount that will fit in a wagon (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "wagonful" in a sentence
  • "At her age, working in an office could have been the prelude to a diamond solitaire and a farewell bridal shower, but the acne and the wagonful of baggage (the widowed mother and the crippled sister) were liabilities she could not overcome."
  • "They're coming to Colorado, Idaho, Montana and Tennessee by the wagonful to, yet again, leave a big pile of crap for these states to deal with by 2020."
  • "No sooner had he settled in at the trading post than here the Berrybenders came, with Lady Tasmin herself driving a wagonful of servants and attendants."
Words like "wagonful"