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Definition of "viraginous" []

  • Resembling an overbearing woman; shrew-like. (adjective)
  • Resembling an Amazon; of a woman with great bravery, strength, or stature. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "viraginous" in a sentence
  • "An utterance nicely gauged to disperse the viraginous mob."
  • "The resolution of character, the will to achieve, and even the viraginous temper might have carried her far had she been a man some thirty years earlier in the country of her greater activities."
  • "Loud, voluble, violent, and viraginous, with a tongue sharper than a sword, and an eloquence that fairly blisters where it hits, she has, therewithal, too much honour and magnanimity and kind feeling either to use them without good cause, or to forbear using them at all hazards when she has such cause."
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