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Definition of "timbres" [timbres]

  • Plural form of timbre. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "timbres" in a sentence
  • "Kallen envisioned a United States in the image of a great symphony orchestra, not sounding in unison the melting pot but rather one in which all the disparate cultures play in harmony while retaining their unique and distinctive tones and timbres."
  • "But so it went ... and the next time Gil and I met we were in a custom-fashioned sound booth (courtesy of Gil), made just for making noise with paper -- paper of all textures, thicknesses, grains, and timbres."
  • "And why shouldn't they be, considering that their musical powers—in particular, their high notes and distinctive timbres—are undiminished, not to mention that they're able to swing players half their age into bad health?"