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Definition of "republics" []

  • Plural form of republic. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "republics" in a sentence
  • "Even democratically elected female heads of state/female heads of state in republics is too broad an answer - that description would also have to include this lady, currently in her second term and looking a bit uncomfortable in her ceremonial uniform:"
  • "First of all the horse, for at that time the strength and excellence of the army depended on the horse, for as to the heavy-armed foot they were useless without proper discipline; but the art of tactics was not known to the ancients, for which reason their strength lay in their horse: but when cities grew larger, and they depended more on their foot, greater numbers partook of the freedom of the city; for which reason what we call republics were formerly called democracies."
  • "My favorite absurdity of Civilization II (besides the fact that the “technology” of polytheism allows you to build war elephants as a unit): wartime unhappiness in democracies and republics is based on extant units in the field away from home cities or fortresses within three squares of cities."
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