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Definition of "predominating" [predominating]

  • Present participle of predominate. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "predominating" in a sentence
  • "But when a diagnosis is made of the composition of the human body and mind, in which the spirits of aggression, oppression and possession, with their attributes of envy, hatred and malice exist in what may be termed a predominating extent, there appears but little promise of any amelioration of the evil that is so devoutly desired."
  • "The romantic feelings which I have described as predominating in my mind, naturally rested upon and associated themselves with these grand features of the landscape around me; and the historical incidents, or traditional legends connected with many of them, gave to my admiration a sort of intense impression of reverence, which at times made my heart feel too big for its bosom."
  • "Most participants at the meeting saw "predominating" downside risks in the near term, mainly due to potential "adverse feedback effects" from rising unemployment weighing on consumer spending and mounting losses at financial institutions further tightening credit conditions."
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