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Definition of "pasquil" []

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "pasquil" in a sentence
  • "It is an old saying, [2161] A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword: and many men are as much galled with a calumny, a scurrilous and bitter jest, a libel, a pasquil, satire, apologue, epigram, stage-play or the like, as with any misfortune whatsoever."
  • "For the Great Marquis, who reminded De Retz of the men in Plutarch's _Lives_, was not averse from the practice of poetry, and wrote, besides these numbers, a prayer ( 'Let them bestow on every airth a limb'), a 'pasquil,' a pleasant string of conceits in praise of woman, a set of vehement and fiery memorial stanzas on the King, and one copy of verses more."
  • "The zeal of the Scottish reformers was at its height, and this zeal found vent in many a pasquil discharged at Popery."
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