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Definition of "outranging" []

  • Present participle of outrange. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "outranging" in a sentence
  • "After a rapid but critical inspection of the position held by Magruder, he hurried back to Richmond with a gloomy, grim report: The line was too long for the force that occupied it; engineering had been poor; superior Federal ordnance, outranging the antiquated smoothbore guns of the Confederates, could destroy the works at Yorktown and across the river at Gloucester Point."
  • "The British 25-pounder was a fine gun, outranging the American 105 mm by 13,400 yards to 12,200, and was immensely valuable for “keeping heads down”."
  • "In front of him lay a superior force of the enemy with guns far outranging his own obsolete muzzle-loaders, and during the afternoon disquieting rumours, which might be true, of another commando at Springfield had reached him."
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