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Definition of "leiger" []

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "leiger" in a sentence
  • "Accordingly, his Lord - ship set out in November 1551, accompanied by several persons of rank, for his embassy on that point; and had also another com - mission, with Sir William Pickering, ambassador leiger at Paris, jointly and severally to hear the French propositions, relating to the match between King Edward and the French King's daughter, and transact all matters therein according to the instructions de - livered to them."
  • ""And as for the rents, you know very well, old humbug, that you have your finger on every line of the leiger book, and tomorrow's affair will go like a morning walk."
  • ""I was coming to ask you about this carucate of land in Recordine there's an erasure in the leiger book, I looked up the copy to compare."
Words like "leiger"