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Definition of "lankness" [lank•ness]

  • The property of being lank. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "lankness" in a sentence
  • "I'll even stop washing my hair, just to ensure the requisite lankness."
  • "The gravity of his dress, together with a certain lankness of cheek and stiffness of deportment, added nearly ten years to his age, but his figure was that of one not yet past thirty."
  • "Quixote of La Mancha was that a man of that sort and shape he had never yet seen; he marvelled at the length of his hair, his lofty stature, the lankness and sallowness of his countenance, his armour, his bearing and his gravity — a figure and picture such as had not been seen in those regions for many a long day."