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Definition of "fiqh" [fiqh]

  • Jurisprudence in the Islamic law, shari'a. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "fiqh" in a sentence
  • "Second, understanding of ahadith, sunnah, fiqh is more difficult to obtain because what little resources are available have virtually nothing in the way of context to explain concepts and history (as opposed to the various tafsir that are readily available to explain the Qur'an)."
  • "They filled books of interpretive writings (called fiqh) about how to act in accordance with the way of God."
  • "The Sharī‘ah, writes Khaled Abou El Fadl, ‘is God’s Will in an ideal and abstract fashion, but the fiqh is the product of the human attempt to understand God’s Will."
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