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Definition of "fao" [fao]

  • For the Attention Of. Used on an address or label, specifies an individual to whom the document should be delivered, usually put on when the address is of an organisation. (abbreviation)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (abbreviation)
  • FAO Schwarz, a toy store chain (abbreviation) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "fao" in a sentence
  • "August 7th, 2004 at 5: 04 am fao anonymous coward, america spent 10 million dolars developing the space pen, it can write in freefall over grease and in other demanding enviroments. excellant work i say although the russians used a pencil. america has already lost one space race to an underfunded country maybe it will lose again. go canada (ps canadians are nicer people)"
  • "Ge re ntše re tla bofelong bja mošomo wa rena, gape re bolela legatong la Khuduthamaga ya Setšhaba le leineng la ka, ke rata go leboga dikemedi ka fao di bego di ineetše go mošomo NGC."
  • "Nnete ke gore, ke ka dinako tša mathata tše di swanago le tše, fao re lebanego le tlhotlo e kgolo ya gore re itshware bjalo ka maloko a makgonthe a ANC, ao a tla dirago tšohle gore leina la mokgatlo le dule le le le lebotse, le gore re dule re kopane."
Words like "fao"