Definition of "energy-absorbing" [energy-absorbing]
Capable of absorbing energy.(adjective)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "energy-absorbing" in a sentence
"The donated items, which are joining the museum's permanent exhibition about American transportation, include a prototype for the three-point seat belts that became a requirement in the 1970s, an energy-absorbing steering column from a 1967 Chevrolet, a crash pad invented in the 1930s to cover steel dashboards and some of AAA's first driver-education manuals."
"By design, school buses are also “compartmentalized” to provide crash protection through their higher energy-absorbing seat backs and closely spaced seating rows."
"I would also agree with this; an expectation of the existence of theoretical energy-absorbing devices as a sign of other civilizations just speaks to the hubris of it all."