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Definition of "coterminal" []

  • One of a number of terminals or airports which are interchangeable for the purposes of ticketing. (noun)
  • Differing only by a whole number of complete circles. (adjective)
  • Describing an object in a category, such that there is precisely one morphism that maps that object to every object in the category. (adjective)
  • Simultaneously studying towards two or more separate degrees. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "coterminal" in a sentence
  • "The conclusion of the second movement however is not coterminal with its performance, for the question of what a melody is remains."
  • "When, therefore, the cavalry refused to give themselves up, and the Ubii, whose land was coterminal with the"
  • "How do you find an angle between 0 and 2pi that is coterminal with the angle 50pi/3?"
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