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Definition of "conjunctivae" []

  • Plural form of conjunctiva. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "conjunctivae" in a sentence
  • "Conjunctivitis represents an inflammation of the conjunctivae, - the mucous membranes that are covering the white of the eyes and the inner side of the eyelids."
  • "But there weren't any marks, and the conjunctivae of the eyes that stared at the ceiling showed no damage."
  • "If I gave these people all the time they wanted they'd simply put me through intensive interrogation and I'd come out days later with not much more than pulp where the flesh had been, with a torn urethra and clouded conjunctivae and the kidneys contused and pouring blood into the urine and my sight gone and my brain out of synch and Meridian blown to hell."