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Definition of "boggy" [bog•gy]

  • Having the qualities of a bog; i.e. dank, squishy, muddy, and full of water and rotting vegetation. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "boggy" in a sentence
  • "By Matt K, March 9, 2010 @ 8: 06 am sparty: “Snatch landrovers, although entirely unsuitable for Iraq, work greta in boggy terrain like teh Falklands.”"
  • "Snatch landrovers, although entirely unsuitable for Iraq, work greta in boggy terrain like teh Falklands."
  • "The accident had occurred in the midst of a wooded stretch, wild and uninhabited, with "soup" (as Sydney called the boggy land) on both sides in the dense undergrowth."