9 Little Symptoms That Mean Your Body Is Dying for Water
| By David Clarke
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Drinking enough water is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Not only is your body made up of mostly water (remember that number is 65 percent), but we live in a world that is also made up of mostly water. So it just makes good sense that it is an essential part of life for us.
Sometimes keeping track of your water intake can be a challenge, but it is so important to maintain the right amount. We are constantly using our bodies’ store of nutrients that come from water and we have to continually be on top of our water intake to replace them and stay hydrated.
As Kaiser Permanente Nephrologist Steven Guest, MD, says, “Fluid losses occur continuously, from skin evaporation, breathing, urine, and stool, and these losses must be replaced daily for good health.”
So what happens if you don’t get enough water? Thankfully, there are many signs that clue you in. Your body has a system of telling you that it needs more water and makes it pretty easy to decode once you have some knowledge about the many ways water improves your health.
Water helps your body move nutrients and oxygen around, flush out toxins, protects your organs and regulate your body temperature. However, if you aren’t replenishing what your body uses, it will struggle to do these things.
So what are some of the most important signs that you need more water?
Symptom #1: Headaches and fatigue.
Though headaches can be a symptom of many other illnesses, checking water off your list first could help keep that headache away. Your brain is made of 90 percent water so when you’re even the slightest bit dehydrated, it affects your brain. This can make your vision cloudy, give you a dizzy feeling, and make it feel like you’re walking in fog too.
Symptom #2: Asthma and allergies.
When your body is running low in the hydration department, it will constrict airways and try to keep as much moisture as possible. That sounds weird, right? Have you ever noticed your breath on a cold window? You lose water through breathing. So, if you’re feeling like allergies are creeping up on you and you feel dry in your sinuses, it might be because you need more water.
Symptom #3: Dry and itchy skin.
Obviously water is an essential part of keeping your skin looking young, fresh and healthy. When you aren’t adequately hydrated though, your skin suffers. Often, you will notice dry, itchy skin and sometimes people even have problems with eczema and psoriasis.
Symptom #4: Bladder and kidney problems.
When you urinate, is your pee a clear, diluted color or is it a dark yellow color? If it has a dark color, you need more water. Keeping yourself hydrated is important for your bladder and kidneys because heavily concentrated urine can cause bacteria and irritation.
Symptom #5: Bad joints.
Your joints need fluid called synovial fluid in order to move smoothly. When you aren’t hydrated, it makes your joints achy and they can be more stiff.
Symptom #6: Weight gain.
This can be confusing because we’ve all heard about “water weight,” right? Well, in fact, water provides energy to burn calories and stay fit. If you are dehydrated, your body will try to conserve energy, meaning that you retain and gain more weight.
Symptom #7: Constipation.
Water is an essential element for keeping things moving smoothly. Without enough water, your bowels can get backed up and make bathroom matters unpleasant.
Symptom #8: Heartburn.
Did you know that without the proper hydration, your stomach’s natural acid can cause many problems? Not only does this include heartburn, but also acid reflux and other issues.
Symptom #9: Premature aging.
This is one thing none of us want to happen. And with enough water, it won’t! We need the nutrients and hydration water provides to maintain soft, youthful looking skin.
Are you drinking enough water? There are plenty of easy things you can do to help boost your water intake including carrying a refillable water bottle and replacing sodas and sugary juices with water when possible. Do your body a favor! Not only will you feel better, you’ll look better too!
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