5 Ways To Get To Know Yourself Better
By tash
2 min read
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WHO AM I? – the existential question nobody has the answer to. Even prominent people like psychologists, teachers, philosophers, or even theologists are having a hard time answering that question. This means that we are all struggling to find our own identities. Navigating the road of our own identity can take us our entire lives, but here are some factors that could help us in identifying ourselves in times of uncertainty:
Describe Yourself
Describing yourself can make you ironically doubt yourself. When you are trying to describe yourself, it is important, to be honest – you need to embrace both sides of the coin. You may tend to gear towards work characteristics when describing yourself but it is better to just focus on your traits, personality, and physicality. Think about how your friends would probably describe you.
Recognize Your Struggles
Struggles are inevitable and how you overcome them shapes you to be the person you are. Overcoming struggles in life can build better relationships and strengthen your emotional awareness. Being emotionally aware can also help you identify what you need and what you want.
List Your Interests
Knowing yourself means knowing your interests in life. These are the sort of things that could evolve into your passion and knowing your purpose in life.
Appreciate Your Relationships with Other People
The people that surround you assisted in honing some parts of yourself. The relationships that you have with others is vital to your very existence. Appreciating them would let them feel the essence of their impact, making them feel better about how they see themselves.
Ask Yourself about the Things that You Want People to Remember You
As we live, we create our own identity, worth, and reputation in society. The process of such would create memories that will give us a sense of continuity with the important people in our lives as time passes, with or without us.
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