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Definition of "wapping" [wap•ping]

  • Yelping. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "wapping" in a sentence
  • "How many batteries are made for the Iphone for wapping out are there after 2 years?"
  • "With Labour debt at 23 million and the Tories a wapping 35 million in the red, only tax payer help, or the promise of peerages and such will prevent the creditors calling in the receivers."
  • "Krzerszonese Milesia asundurst Sirdarthar Woolwichleagues, good tomkeys years somewhile in Crimealian wall samewhere in Ayerland, during me weeping stillstumms over the freshprosts of Eastchept and the dangling garters of Marrowbone and daring my wapping stiltstunts on Bostion Moss, old stile and new style and heave a lep onwards."