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Definition of "unneutral" []

  • Not neutral. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unneutral" in a sentence
  • "This article also deals with the perennial myths that crop up in 'unneutral' discourses on Irish neutrality, for example, the oft-cited incidence of de Valera's alleged visit to the German legation in Ireland to sign a book of condolences on Hitler's death and the suggestions of a British government offer of a deal on Northern Ireland in exchange for Ireland dropping its neutral stance and supporting the Allies in World War II."
  • "The article concludes that the practice of Irish neutrality is equivalent to or superior to the practice of other European neutral states, thus undermining the dominant discourse that Ireland's neutrality is a myth and that Ireland is 'unneutral'."
  • "Des Gouttes and World's Alliance leaders confronted Mott regarding Archibald Harte's independent approach to POW diplomacy and Mott's unneutral actions."