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Definition of "unextended" [unextended]

  • Not extended (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "unextended" in a sentence
  • "Let us merely recall that extension admits of degrees, that all sensation is extensive in a certain measure, and that the idea of unextended sensations, artificially localized in space, is a mere view of the mind, suggested by an unconscious metaphysic much more than by psychological observation."
  • "The best temporal analogy, he thinks, for this conception is an unextended instant or an “eternal now.”"
  • "(P. 7φ) would be genuinely independent of (P. 7) unless it is assumed that every mereologically atomic entity should be spatially unextended, an assumption that has been challenged extensively in recent literature; see e.g. Markosian 1998a, Parsons"