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Definition of "telled" [telled]

  • Simple past tense and past participle of tell. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "telled" in a sentence
  • "It's been telled me by one as knows, and has seen, that you walk with this same Mary Barton, and are known to be courting her; and her as spoke to me about it, thinks as how Mary loves you."
  • "My bruvver always telled me it was a boys show so I didnot watch."
  • "I has been re-readifying teh “Littlol House on teh Prairie” books and even though I doesnot has kids, I cannot halp but be a littlol amazed that on the first day of school, Pa just telled Laura and Mary to follow teh road for 2 1/2 miles and when they sawr a house they was in town."
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