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Definition of "spendaholic" []

  • A person who is addicted to spending money. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "spendaholic" in a sentence
  • "He called the government's culture of quangos and initiatives "spendaholic", and said the human rights act and health and safety industry strangled-out trust and social responsibility."
  • "Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent yesterday served notice that a Conservative government would impose swingeing spending cuts across government as he replaces Labour's "spendaholic" ways with a new era of thrift."
  • "He blasted a "spendaholic" Government for wasting billions of taxpayers 'money and said the coming election must bring about a "complete change of direction" for Britain after 13 years of Labour rule which have ended in recession and the inauguration of an "age of austerity"."