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Definition of "spec" []

  • The specifications, as for a building to be constructed. (noun)
  • Speculation. (noun)
  • To write or supply specifications for. (verb-transitive)
  • Of or relating to specifications: a manufacturer's spec sheet. (adjective)
  • Done, constructed, produced, or purchased as a speculation: a spec job; a spec house. (adjective)

American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright (c) 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Use "spec" in a sentence
  • "Spec. new @spec = @user. spec @user. faq | | = Faq. new @faq = @user. faq end The two-variable definition pattern evident in this action is quite common, and each one can be condensed into one line as follows:"
  • "= User. find (session [: user_id]) @user. spec | | = Spec. new @spec = @user. spec end We've also created a spec instance variable for use in the hub view."
  • "We've seen before how we can access a spec through a user using an expression such as user. spec; here we see the complementary ability to access a user through a spec with spec. One other aspect of test_edit_success deserves note: The authorize function, which previously lived in the User controller test (Section 6.3.2), has been moved to the test helper so that it can be used by multiple controllers: 5 Recall that assigns looks for an instance variable in the corresponding action, so assigns (: spec) looks for @spec in the action."